Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bridal Shower Cupcakes pt. 2

As you read in part 1 of bridal cupcakes- champagne cupcakes…I made two other flavors for the shower as well.

These two took a bit longer than expected. When starting this baking marathon, I opted to first bake Billy’s vanilla cupcakes, since I have baked them so many times before.
You know to start this "bake-athon" off on the right foot...easy breezy!
Well… that is not what happened.
We still cannot figure out why this happened…I followed the recipe as I always do, plus I was at home using a much nicer oven, than my tiny apartment oven.
But when the timer went DING! I opened the oven and my cupcakes had exploded everywhere!

It is unfortunate that the cupcakes decided to do this when I was in one of my “GO, GO, GO moods”, because I became very upset and distraught with them!..them being the cupcakes!

My mother even had to separate me from my boyfriend and father as I was getting very flustered with the two of them, shouting "Stop it! Stop it! Go away!" as they hovered over me eating the remnants of the exploded cupcakes, and telling me how good they still tasted. Ugh! That is not what I wanted to hear. (this is the G rated version)

This is when I decided to take a break from baking the cupcakes and switch to whipping up the 3 frosting's.

Again, I started with Billy’s Vanilla Buttercream, and as usual it tasted decadent helping cheer me up quite a bit!
Then I began to make a dark chocolate frosting. This inevitably brought me back down to a baking confidence of zero!
The dark chocolate frosting was thin and drippy, more like a ganache for dipping!
Therefore I opened the bottle of champagne to make the sweet cream frosting, but poured myself a tall glass before continuing.
As expected the bubbly helped lighten my mood, and the best icing in the world was created!

I then decided to go back to baking up the cupcakes; beginning this time with the champagne, and next the devils food.
Next I went and searched for Billy’s chocolate buttercream frosting recipe, since my dark chocolate recipe turned out to be worthless!

8 hrs later I was forced to take a break and to make the vanilla cupcakes the morning of the party.

For some reason, the second time around, the vanilla cupcakes turned out as I had originally anticipated.
As I told you in the last entry I placed all the frosting's in the fridge the night before, and took them out to defrost the morning of.
As with the champagne frosting my mother and I attempted to re-whip the other two frosting's.

I attempted to use my frosting tips for the vanilla frosting, but after we had re-whipped them the frosting became too soft and started to melt, as you can see.
By the time I was done decorating the champagne, and the chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting, I had lost my patience and decided just to use my offset spatula to decorate the vanilla cupcakes with the chocolate frosting. Plus the chocolate frosting became too thick after it was whipped up and could not go down the pastry bag. 

Sigh … soooo after 90 cupcakes and lets say 10-12hrs later..was it worth it? Yes! I was so happy to be apart of adding a special touch to the shower for one of my best friends. And the only reason it took so long is because, well...if you're going to do something, you must do it right!

Since this entry is so long, simply click on the highlighted links above for the recipes! Ciao!
<----bridesmaids & bride!!


Unknown said...

Hi there! Thank you so much for your kind comment! Mary showed me your blog awhile ago and it's so super cute! I love the toppers to these cupcakes. I will definitely be stealing ideas from you. ;)

M.E. said...

yay! thanks so much!